[ Claire Bosi ]

Born in Ponte dell'Olio in1985 (IT).
She lives and works in Paris.


[ Education ]

Urban Agriculture & Food, Vergers Urbains - Volumes - Résiliences Productives, Paris (FR)

2021 > 2022
Developmental Psychology of Children, École Française de Psychologie, Paris (FR)

Permaculture Design Course - PDC, École du Breuil, Paris (FR)

Specialized Yoga Teacher Training (children, teenagers, parent-child), Green Yoga's French Federation, Paris, (FR)

Children's Yoga Teacher Training, Green Yoga's French Federation, Paris, (FR)

2020 > 2021
Research seminars as auditor, EHESS - École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, (FR)

2019 > 2020
AMI Training Program - Children's House Lead Teacher, Institut Supérieur Maria Montessori, Nogent-sur-Marne, (FR)

2008 > 2011
Master Degree in Designing and Production of Visual Arts, IUAV - Politechnic University of Project Design and the Arts, Venice, (IT) 

Research Grant at the New York University, New York, (USA)
Documentary Summer School - XI Film Summer School, Locarno Film Festival, Locarno, (CH)
Summer School in sound and music computing at Pompeu Fabra University with Barry Truax, Barcelona, (ESP)

Erasmus scholarship at Université Paris-8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, Paris, (FR)

2004 > 2007
Bachelor Degree in Performing And Visual Arts, IUAV - Politechnic University of Project Design and the Arts, Venice, (IT)

1994 > 2003 Music Conservatory for classical studies Giuseppe Nicolini, Piacenza, (IT)



[ Workshops - Seminars ]

Decompression Gathering Summer Camp / Brett Bloom - Temporary Services, curated by Valerio Del Baglivo and Radical Intention, Corniolo Art Platform, (IT)
Manufattu in situ 6 / RAQS Media Collective, curated by viaindustriae, Foligno, (IT)

Live Stop Motion Filming / Reynold Reynolds, Nosadella.due, Bologna, (IT)
Il Museo dell’arte contemporanea in Esilio / Cesare Pietroiusti, Spanish Pavillon, 54th Venice Biennale, Venice, (IT)

Il cinema del reale, workshop in video editing / Ilaria Fraioli, Montevarchi – Arezzo, (IT)
Workshow Ricercatori di note / sound composition, Ancona, (IT)
Concrete Landscape, Sound Performance / Seijiro Murayama, curated by Manuel Frara, A+A Gallery, Venice, (IT)

Workshops with Cesare Pietroiusti, Antoni Muntadas, Gloria Moure, Giorgio Agamben, Paolo Fabbri, Cornelia Lauf, Eva Marisaldi, Marco Bertozzi, (among others), IUAV, Venice, (IT)

Autobiography and animated subject in the cine-documentary workshop with Nicolas Philibert,Doc/it in collaboration with Bellaria Film Festival, Rimini, (IT)
Documetary in Europe, international workshop in documentary production, Turin, (IT)
Urban Skin - Urban dermatology essay / Ogi:noknauss organized by Magazzini del Sale, Venice, (IT)

Workshop Film Festival 3minuti in 3giorni / MART Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento, (IT)

Workshops with Guido Guidi, Alberto Garutti, Angela Vettese, Agnes Kohlmeyer, Lawrence Carrol, Franck Boehm, Massimo Magri, Paola Donati (among others), IUAV, Venice, (IT)



[ Residences ]

Laboratory for Radical Peace, PhD in one night, Les Orangeries de Bierbais / Fondation La Nacelle, (BE)

2016 > 2017
One year studio space at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzo Carminati, Venice, (IT)

Radio Materiality / curated by Vessel Art Project in collaboration with XScape and Momang, Bari, (IT)

Realpresence09 / curated by Dobrila Denegri and Biljana Tomic, nKA/ICA, Belgrade, (SRB)



[ Awards + Grants ]

2016 > 2017
winner of One year studio space at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzo Carminati, Venice, (IT)

DE.MO. / Movin'up, program supporting the mobility of italian artists in the world, Ministry of Culture / Direzione Generale  per il Paesaggio, le belle arti, l'architettura e l'arte contemporanea - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - GAI, Torino, (IT)

Research Grant, New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture,Washington Square, New York, (USA)

First prize winner with Rossella Libardoni & Rebecca Salvadori, Workshop Film Festival, MART Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento, (IT)


[ Solo exhibitions ]

41°08'24'' latitudine Nord // 16°50'49'' longitudine Est, Radio Materiality project, curated by Vessel in collaboration with Xscape and Momang, San Cataldo's lighthouse, Bari, (IT)


[ Selected Group exhibitions + screenings +  projects ]

Le temps du paysage, PhD in one night, Les Orangeries de Bierbais / Fondation La Nacelle, (BE)

Precarious Terrains and Antangles Situations, Konsthall C, Stockholm, (SWE)
Watery Eyes, Galleri Box, Gothenburg, (SWE)
The Earth, Galerie Emilia Fillt, Usti nad Labem, (CZ)
Alliances and Commonalities, Stockholm University of the Arts, (SWE)
Reprogramming Earth, group exhibition, NeMe, Limassol, (CYP)
Tin Alley, Ipoh Art Film Festival, (MY)
HIAP, Helsinki, (FIN)

HYBRID MATTERS, Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn, (NOR)
Nikolaj Kunsthalle, Copenhagen, (DNK)
Forum Box, Helsinki, (FIN)
The Big Invisible, Garage Gallery, Kunst Haus Wien, (AUT)
Climate Matters, Tin Alley, Ipoh Art Film Festival, (MY)
Seeds and citizens, Ostergotlands Museum, Linkoping, (SWE)

RADIO MATERIALITY, Vessel Art Project, 4th Athens Biennale AGORA, Former Athens Stock Exchange, Athens, (GRC)

Manufattu in situ 6, curated by RAQS Media Collective and viaindustriae, Cancelli-Foligno, (IT)
Chorale de L'Encyclopédie de la parole - MAC / VAL - Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, (FR)
Towards an ecology of the museum, curated by Anna Santomauro, Carta Bianca project by Silvia Cini with the collaboration of Francesca Serrati, Museum of Contemporary Art - Villa Croce, Genoa, (IT)

Live Stop Motion Filming, project by Reynold Renolds curated by déjà.vu work.lab, Nosadella.due, Bologna, (IT)
Collecting Identities: I stay therefore we are, curated La Collezione di Carrozzeria Margot on Osloo, Fos Danish Pavillon, 54th Venice Biennale, Venice, (IT)

Casabianca, curated by Anteo Radovan, Zola Predosa, Bologna, (IT) | c |
Eyjafjallajokul, from Venice to Shanghai and back, curated by Letizia Calori and Giulia Zennaro, East China Normal University of Shanghai, World Expo 2010, Shanghai, (CHN)
soundscape - homesound 1#, Project Archive 2#, curated by Claire Bosi, Private House , Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, (DEU)

LOOP Video Art Festival, selected by Fiona Biggiero, Bercelona, (ESP)
www.undo.net/2video curated and selected by Francesca di Nardo.
Follie d’archivio, curated by Marco Bertozzi, Casa del cinema, Venice, (IT)

93ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti, curated by Mara Ambrozic and Stefano Coletto, Bevilacqua La Masa, Piazza San Marco, 71/c, Venice, (IT) |c|
Every limit has a patient (non linear experiences of time), curated by Cesare Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos, Scalamata Exhibition Space, Cannaregio 1236, Venice, (IT)
Real Presence09, curated by Dobrila Denegri and Biljana Tomic, MKM – MAGACIN & MKM 8, Kraljevica Marka 4, Belgrade, (SRB)
Landscape of complexity, curated by Gloria Moure and Stefano Coletto, Bevilacqua La Masa, Palazzotto Tito, Dorsoduro, 2826, Venice, (IT) | c |

Look Up Bologna. Progetto per una cartografia in divenire. neon >campobase gallery, via Zanardi 2/5, Bologna, (IT)  | c |


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| c |     denotes that a catalogue or a publication was published in conjunction with the exhibition, the screening or the performance