What remains gets transformed. Home movie: home, archive, space of criticism.


[ abstract ]


My work aims at investigating a twilight zone of cinematography, starting from the places that contributed to determine the uses and functions of home movie.
What are the characteristics that define it inside the domestic space and out of it? Since when home movie, beyond being a tool peculiar of free time in the family, becomes an account of a time and a document to be interrogated? When does home movie reach a public communication space, from the private one of the family?
First, coordinates will be given in order to delineate the cultural, historical, and theoretical context in which the debate about amateur cinematography takes place, focusing the attention on the evolution of technology and on the tentative of some scholars of defining such practice. Afterwards the analysis will be oriented towards some specific spaces and places in which home movie can be situated: the home, the movie archive, and the space of criticism of revision.
From the primordial social function in which home movie was used, in the context of private domestic use as an instrument of family free time and of memory transmission, home movie becomes cultural heritage inside the archive, evolving into a document having the function of historic and anthropologic testimony. The question regarding home movie reusing approaches remains open: each space of criticism is defined by the work process established with the materials; some examples will be presented of authors drawing materials from personal or anyway private archives, and their respective spaces of criticism will be individuated by observing the authors’ ways of relating with the materials.
Finally, it has been taken into consideration the challenge posed by recent technology – namely digital technology and the Internet – not only regarding the comprehension of the radical metamorphosis that took place on the private/public axis with the entry of amateur movies into archives or spaces of criticism of revision, but also with respect to the processes of democratization, participation and active citizenship that a free space like the Web configures.





> Language: Italian
> Length : 152 pages
> Year: 2011

> Here is where you can access my work :

>you can contact me by e-mail (go to contact page in the website)

>HOME MOVIES - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia

Via Sant'Isaia, 18, 40123, Bologna, Italy

>IUAV - Biblioteca Centrale di Ateneo

Tolentini, Santa Croce, 191, 30135, Venezia, Italy





Maraude intertwining of lives


[ abstract ]

The research explores the social and urban mechanisms that lead a segment of the population to change their position within the social context, with particular focus on the condition of the homeless in Paris. The work is developed from direct field observation, combined with a theoretical phase conducted at major Parisian libraries such as BNF, the BPI of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the library of the Université de Vincennes Saint Denis. A crucial role was played by the collaboration with Daniel Terrolle, anthropologist affiliated with the CNRS LAUVE, a social science research laboratory specialized in the study of urban phenomena, with particular attention to the poverty market and the homeless.

The field research was structured through interaction with associations and participation in initiatives such as the maraude organized by the Secours Populaire.


Paris, January - August 2007.
From careful observation of this city arose the need to understand, to explore. SDF, or sans domicile fixe (homeless). The more you observe from above, from below, from every possible angle, the more you realize how the invisible becomes visible.

What is the mechanism that leads a portion of the population to change its place within the social space, taking a step outside the conventional boundaries, yet at the same time finding a different way of living?
These questions emerged from the observation of the urban space and the surrounding social system—an unexplored system within which I had to learn how to navigate.

The work is organized into four main sections: key concepts, from conception to execution, glossary, and appendices.

The first section introduces the central themes: the figure of the SDF and the mechanism of the maraude – a field assistance mission carried out by mobile teams that reach out to the homeless in large cities. These concepts are essential to access the core of the process, which is divided into two main phases.

The first phase, the conception, outlines the steps that guided the focus on the subject, specifically the Saturday maraude, with Marion, David, Claude, and Denis.
The second phase, the execution, focuses on the various stages of the actual production: from building a relationship with the subject to the filming process, and finally the editing phase. It also covers more technical components, such as dérushage, editing scripts, voice-over, and subtitles used in Maraude – Interweaving Lives.

To complete the work, a glossary gathers all the terms that might be unfamiliar to readers who are not acquainted with the Parisian context related to the subject.

Lastly, in the appendices, the pages of the Journal de Bord—kept throughout the entire period of fieldwork—are included, along with photographic documentation and drawings made during the maraudes and the field research phase.


> Language : Italian
> Length :145 pages
> Year : 2007

> Here is where you can access my work :

> you can contact me by e-mail (go to contact page in the website)

IUAV - Biblioteca Centrale di Ateneo

Tolentini, Santa Croce, 191, 30135, Venezia, Italy